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Respiratory Protection

The Illinois State University Respiratory Protection Program is designed to promote a safe work environment and to protect the health and safety of faculty and staff who are potentially exposed to airborne contaminants or may occupy an oxygen-deficient atmosphere that cannot be controlled by engineering or administrative controls. The Program applies to all employees who are required to wear a respirator for any of their job tasks and consists of five basic components: hazard assessment, respirator and filter selection, medical surveillance, respirator fit testing, and training.

Hazard Assessment

Supervisors and persons-in-charge are responsible for conducting hazard assessments for each operation, process, or work area where airborne contaminants may be present in routine operations or during an emergency. EHS will assist in those evaluations upon request.

Repirator and Filter Selection

Only NIOSH-approved respirators and filters shall be used by University personnel. Upon request, EHS can assist departments in selecting the proper size and type of respirator(s) based on known hazard assessments of operations and work environments.

Repirator Fit Testing and Training

Fit testing and training is required for all employees using negative or positive pressure, tight-fitting respirators. Fit testing will not be conducted until EHS has received a PLHCP’s written Medical Determination with approval to wear a respirator (see Medical Surveillance). Fit testing will not be conducted on individuals who are not clean shaven where sealing surfaces of the respirator come in contact with the face. Each individual will be fit tested with the same make, model, style, and size of respirator that will be used. Fit testing and training are provided by EHS. University employees are offered fit testing and training free of charge.

Mandatory vs. Voluntary Respirator Use Requirements

Mandatory use of respirators requires each affected employee to be medically evaluated for respirator use (initially and every three years thereafter), fit tested with the respirator being used (annually), and trained in accordance with the requirements of the OSHA standard (annually).

Voluntary use of respirators requires each supervisor to review the Voluntary Respirator Use Training and Information Form with each affected employee. Voluntary use of respirators requires a medical evaluation for respirator use, but fit testing is not required.

If you have any questions about the Respiratory Protection Program, or if you would like to review your operation for possible inclusion the program, contact Environmental Health and Safety at (309) 438-8325 or