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Bloodborne Pathogens

Bloodborne pathogens are microorganisms, such as viruses or bacteria that are carried in blood and/or bodily fluids and can c ause disease in people; including Hepatitis B and C and Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). The University Bloodborne Pathogens (BBP) Exposure Control Plan contains general requirements for practices and procedures th at will protect employees from the hazards of exposure to blood or other potentially infectious materials (OPIM). Environmental Healt h and Safety developed the Exposure Control Plan to be used in developing departmental or site-specific programs.

EHS has identified job classifications and job duties which are considered to pose a risk of occupational exposure to blood o r other bodily fluids. These classifications can be found in Appendix A of the Exposure Control Plan. ISU departments and groups included in the Bloodborne Pathogens Program must implement the required elements of the written Exposure Control Plan, which is designed to eliminate or minimize employee exposure and ensure that:

  • Information and documented training are provided to affected employees initially and annually thereafter
  • Hepatitis B Vaccination Declaration Statement Forms are completed within 10 working days of initial assignment and kept on fi le for all affected employees
  • Protective measures in the work environment are instituted and monitored
  • Occupational exposures are reported to ensure that proper medical evaluation and treatment can be provided
  • Universal Precautions, an infection control approach in which all blood and body fluids are treated as if they are infected a nd the necessary precautions are taken, is followed at all times

Each affected department or group has been assigned a Departmental BBP Program Administrator. Contact information for each BB P Departmental Administrator can be found in Appendix E of the Exposure Control Plan.

Please reference the University Exposure Control Plan for a more detailed description of recommended policies and procedures. If you have any questions about the BBP Exposure Control Plan, recommended policies and procedures, access to training, or if you would like to review your operation for poss ible inclusion the program, contact Environmental Health and Safety at (309) 438-8325 or